
Gamma Knife® treatment is a form of stereotactic radiosurgery. Stereotactic radiosurgery is a nonsurgical form of radiation therapy that enables highly focused beams of radiation to be targeted directly to the lesion, while protecting surrounding healthy tissue. Stereotactic radiosurgery is an option for many conditions of the brain, head or neck.

Mercy Health utilizes the Leksell Gamma Knife® Icon™ system to perform stereotactic radiosurgery. But the Gamma Knife® isn’t actually a knife. No incisions are made. Instead, the “knife” refers to 192 individual beams of gamma rays converging into one focal point and precisely targeting the area of the brain that needs to be treated, minimizing damage to healthy tissue.

The treatment is painless and simple and without the normal risks associated with surgery and a long hospital stay. Patients who receive Gamma Knife® treatment are often treated in one session and experience less damage to healthy cells and considerably faster recovery time.

More than 30 years of clinical studies documented in more than 2,900 published medical papers demonstrate the effectiveness of Gamma Knife® radiosurgery. And after more than 1 million surgeries, the Gamma Knife® has shown to provide an extremely good tumor control rate, few side effects and the ability to treat multiple targets effectively.
If you’re diagnosed with a brain tumor, such as a meningioma, pituitary adenoma or acoustic neuroma, Gamma Knife radiosurgery is the gold standard of treatment. In 90% of cases, Gamma Knife eliminates the need for traditional surgery. With no time needed to recover, Gamma Knife patients do not require a hospital stay.

Benefits of Gamma Knife Radiosurgery

  • No incisions are made 
  • Less damage to surrounding tissue or nearby structures 
  • Usually performed in one session in outpatient setting, eliminating hospital stay 
  • Minimal or no patient discomfort, allowing patients to quickly return to normal activities

Gamma Knife can treat a broad spectrum of tumors in the brain, head, and neck as well as other neurological conditions.

Patient Testimonial
"Mercy Health's Gamma Knife treatment gave me life."
Tricia P.
Stage 4 Melanoma Survivor
Why Choose Mercy Health?
We know the majority of our patients are looking to minimize pain and get back to the lives they love as soon as possible. Incision-free, pain-free and with no recovery time, the Gamma Knife treatment helps patients reach those goals. As one of only 250 locations worldwide to offer Gamma Knife, Mercy Health is proud to bring this treatment to the region. If you think the Gamma Knife treatment could be right for you, reach out to our team today.

Common Conditions

Brain metastases
Pituitary Adenoma
Acoustic Neuroma
Trigeminal Neuralgia

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