What is an implantable heart failure monitoring system?

An implantable heart failure monitoring system is a device that is implanted into the pulmonary artery that can monitor the changes in blood pressure through the pulmonary artery. Your doctor will use this information to adjust your treatment plan or medications to stop your heart failure from worsening.

To implant the device, your doctor will use a catheter to insert a guide wire and sensor on top of the wire into the pulmonary artery.

The goal of the system is to reduce hospital readmissions and improve quality of life for heart failure patients.

Who is a candidate for an implantable heart failure monitoring system?

Patients who have been hospitalized in the past year for heart failure are candidates for an implantable heart failure monitoring system.

How does an implantable heart failure monitoring system work?

An implantable heart failure monitoring system uses a sensor that is implanted in the pulmonary artery to measure your pulmonary artery pressure as well as heart rate. The pulmonary artery is the main vessel that carries oxygen-rich blood to the lungs. After the device is implanted, your doctor can remotely monitor your daily pressure readings via wireless data transmission from your device. The reading takes a few minutes each day and does not does not cause any pain.  You will not need to modify any of your day-to-day activities with an implantable heart monitoring system.

What are the benefits of an implantable heart failure monitoring system?

The main benefit of an implantable heart failure monitoring system is to allow your doctor to remotely monitor the pressure in your pulmonary arteries. If there are abnormal readings, your doctor can quickly change your treatment plan or medications. 

The devices are easy to use and do not need battery replacements.

What are risks of an implantable heart failure monitoring system?

There are few major risks associated with an implantable heart failure monitoring system, but they may include:

Recovery from implantation of a heart failure monitoring system

The implantation procedure takes approximately one hour. Most patients require a one-night stay in the hospital to recover but can go home the next day. You can return to your normal activities after you are discharged from the hospital.

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