Mercy Health Offers Free Quit Smoking Classes at Anderson Hospital in May
Is this the season you finally spring yourself from your smoking habit?
If so, Mercy Health - Cincinnati, which provides advanced, quality, compassionate care in your neighborhood through its care network, can help! We invite smokers and their families to register for a free series of quit smoking classes starting at Mercy Health – Anderson Hospital in May. Anderson Hospital is located is located at 7500 State Road, Cincinnati, 45255.
The classes take place from 5:30-6:30 p.m., Monday-Thursday, May 15-18, in Conference Room D, which is located on the ground floor of Anderson Hospital’s Medical Office Building Two.
The class size is limited to 15 for comfortable group interaction and discussion. Groups discuss any changes they have made that helped them stay quit as well as quitting issues they need help overcoming. Class leaders recommend that attendees go to all of the classes because they build on each other to help the participant develop a personalized quit plan. Please call 513-624-1090 by Thursday, May 11 to register.
Mercy Health’s program follows the American Cancer Society’s Freshstart program, with each class building on the previous class to explore physical and psychological aspects of nicotine addiction.
Class One is called “Decide to Quit.” It covers the negative health consequences of smoking and helps motivate attendees to quit the habit.
Class Two is the “Plan to Quit” class and it takes attendees through choosing a quit date, medications that can help smokers quit the habit, the importance of support and building a support group and preparing for the quit date.
Class Three is called “Your Quit Day.” This class covers topics such as how to quit successfully, dealing with nicotine withdrawal and cravings and positive thinking.
Class Four is the “Staying Quit” class. It covers mental planning, recovering from slips and lung screenings and provides information about the Ohio Quit Line.
The instructor suggests each attendee sign up for the Ohio Quit Line for additional support while quitting.