Time to Quit

Time to Quit

There’s hope

Quitting tobacco use can be difficult, but the Mercy Health — Tobacco Treatment Center is here to help.

Our program addresses critical issues, including:

• Common fears about quitting

• Triggers related to stress

• The role of proper nutrition and exercise

• Coping and problem-solving

• Relapse prevention

Treatment professionals at the center create individualized plans for each participant and incorporate all the tools necessary to help you kick the habit.

How the program works

The program can be completed virtually or in person. For virtual visits a device is needed with internet access and a MyChart account. After an initial assessment, you will receive a program recommendation from certified tobacco treatment specialist appropriate to your individual needs.

Community Program:

Five weekly group or individual counseling sessions with the goal of complete abstinence by the third week of care. During the program, six weeks of nicotine replacement therapy will be offered.

Mental Health Expanded Program:

Ten weekly group or individual counseling sessions for individuals with co-occurring mental illness who are nicotine dependent. As with the Community Program, medication assistance is offered with the goal of abstinence by the last month of treatment.

Through the program, you will learn to:

• See tobacco dependence as a chronic disease

• Improve overall health, wellness and quality of life

• Fine-tune problem-solving, coping and stress-reduction skills

• Develop and apply a relapse prevention plan

Call today to start your new non-smoking life

Main Contact Line: 330-480-3109

Tobacco Treatment Program
1044 Belmont Ave. (inside St. Elizabeth Youngstown Hospital)
7th floor, B Elevator
Youngstown, OH 44504

Mercy Health — Behavioral Health Institute, Warren
1296 Tod Pl NW
Suite 205
Warren, OH 44485